HNGU Walk in interview 2021 | HNGU Recruitment 2021 | Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University (HNGU) published New Jobs official notification for the Various Post like Teaching Assistant, Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Artist, Guest Faculty, Training Officer, Tutor, Drill Master, Lab Assistant Post at given below information.
HNGU Recruitment 2021 as Walk in interview
Online Applications are invited for a Walk-in-interview which is to be held for the following adhoc positions as shown below. The prescribed Form is available on the university website The process fee for the post of Teaching posts, Training officer, Tutor and Drill Officer shall be Rs.300/- and for the Laboratory Assistant and CIMF Technician shall be Rs.200/-. The Draft of this process fee shall be submitted along with the printout of filled up form. The Draft shall be in favor of Registrar H.N.G.U. Patan. Printout of the filled up form in one copy along with documents is to be submitted at the office of the university from 09:00 AM to 12:00 noon on interview date. The time and date of the interview is as shown below. Interested candidates are requested to remain present along with original certificates and Xerox copies.
Name of Posts:
- Teaching Assistant
- Professor
- Assistant Professor
- Associate Professor
- Artist
- Guest Faculty
- Training Officer
- Tutor
- Drill Master
Educational Qualification: Post wise various (read jobs notification)
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on an interview.
How to Apply : Candidates are requested to remain present this walk in interview along with all original certificates to the given address in the advertisement.
Job Notification : Click Here
Walk-in-Interview: 01-09-2021, 02-09-2021, 03-09-2021, 04-09-2021, 07-09-2021