Today’s 2nd July 2020 | Gujarat Government Launch Application for “FIA” i.e. Federation of Industries and Associations (Gujarat). “Federation of Industries and Associations (Gujarat)” prominently known as “FIA” is the Apex Representative Body of approx 200 Industries Associations of various GIDC Industrial Estates located across the state of Gujarat. ( FIA is representing app. 50,000 Industrial Units of Gujarat indirectly).
FIA (Gujarat, Gandhinagar) Mobile App
FIA is recognized as a representative body of Industries located in all GIDC Estates across Gujarat, by the Industries Department, Government of Gujarat. FIA’s suggestions are considered very seriously and implemented. FIA is representing the Industries in almost all Committees and Sub Committees constituted by State and Central Government Authorities and Under Taking Units.
Federation of Industries and Associations (Gujarat)
FIA has always been at the front line with Government of Gujarat to help the victims of Natural Calamities such as Draught, Flood or Earth Quake and its work has been appreciated very widely by Government and public at large.
FIA has started organizing Industrial Expo at the very low rate at every two years to provide an opportunity to industries, particularly SME sector of Gujarat, to exhibit their products at state and International level. First The exhibition was held in 2016 next exhibition is scheduled for Oct. 2018 FIA is regularly publishing a bimonthly news bulletin called “FIA Times” containing Informative Articles, important information about business activities happening in India and abroad, various activities undertaken by FIA and Members Associations and notifications issued by Government. More than 2000 copies of FIA Times are being circulated among Member Associations and all Government Departments.
FIA has recently constructed FIA BHAVAN in Gandhinagar Electronics Estate. It is being developed as state of the art Centre of Excellence and planning to undertake various Skill Development Program based on the actual need of the Industries.
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