Hello Guys, Today We are Giving Information about Addhar Card by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), All People can Search for Addhar Card Related Information like How to Enrol Addhar, Aadhaar Online Update, aadhar card status, aadhar card form, aadhar card center, aadhar card by name, aadhar card name change, aadhar card mobile number change, aadhar card verification, all information about Aadhar card related here.
What is Aadhar ?

UIDAI was created with the objective to issue Unique Identification numbers (UID), named as “Aadhaar”, to all residents of India that is (a) robust enough to eliminate duplicate and fake identities, and (b) can be verified and authenticated in an easy, cost-effective way. The first UID number was issued on 29 September 2010 to a resident of Nandurbar, Maharashtra. The Authority has so far issued more than 111 crore Aadhaar numbers to the residents of India.
UIDAI – Aadhar Card Government of India Official Portal https://uidai.gov.in/
About UIDAI : The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is a statutory authority established under the provisions of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (“Aadhaar Act 2016”) on 12 July 2016 by the Government of India, under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY).
Online Aadhar Card Download at https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in
Aadhar card Head Quarter : Unique Identification Authority Of India, Government of India
3rd Floor,Tower II, Jeevan Bharti Building,Connaught Circus, New Delhi – 110001, Phone : 011-23466899. For General Queries and Grievances, TOLLFREE: 1947, email: help@uidai.gov.in.
How to Update Aadhaar Card Details
Aadhaar Card plays a significant role in availing the benefits of many government Schemes. It includes person’s vital information like fingerprints, biometrics, address proof, phone number and date of birth, which can presented as an ID proof and address proof. Not only that, the Aadhaar Card is now vital for many of the government services, pension benefits, subsidy, healthcare, taxation services, insurance services and so on.
Aadhaar Online Services
Good News for all people Government of India Providing Aadhar Online Service for aadhar enrolment, aadhar update, aadhar service various process here by https://uidai.gov.in.
Aadhar Enrolment :
Aadhaar Update
Aadhaar Services
Also Can Check important linkValidity of downloaded Aadhaar (e-Aadhaar) as Proof of Identityimportant linkCharges for Various UIDAI Services at Aadhaar Kendra (PEC) important linkList of supporting documentsimportant linkState-wise Aadhaar Saturation.
Quick Link for Aadhar Card Enrol & Updates :
· Tenders
Aadhaar Data Update
Enabling Aadhaar for various services like Government & Non-Government Services, Subsidy Benefits, Pensions, Scholarships, Social Benefits, Banking services, Insurance services, Taxation services, Education, Employment, Healthcare etc., makes it essential to ensure that Aadhaar data of the resident stored in the CIDR is accurate and up-to-date.
Demographic Data Update, The Need Could Arise From:
Changes in life events such as marriage may lead to residents changing their basic demographic details such as name and address. Address and mobile number could also change due to migration to newer locations. Residents may also want changes in their relative’s details due to changes in life events such marriage, death of a relative etc. In addition, residents could have other personal reasons to change their mobile number, email address etc.
Changes in various service delivery platforms may lead residents to declaration request changes and to add mobile number to CIDR etc.
Errors made during the enrolment process wherein the resident’s demographic data may have been captured incorrectly. Changes to “DoB/Age” and “Gender” fields are expected primarily due to enrolment errors.
Since a resident can enrol anywhere in India, it may happen that a native speaker of language “A” is enrolled by an operator of language “B” and consequently the resident’s local language of enrolment is “B”. Later, the resident may want to change the local language of enrolment to another that he/she prefers. If so, then all the demographic information that is printed on the Aadhaar letter will need to be updated in the new local language.
UIDAI may also ascertain availability of POI, POA and other documents collected at the time of enrolment/update and its quality and decide to notify resident to update their demographic information and submit the required document.
Biometric Update, The Need Could Arise From:
Age <5 years at the time of initial enrolment –The child should be re-enroled when the child attains an age of 5 years and all biometric data should be provided. A de-duplication would be done for the child at this stage. This request will be treated similar to a new enrolment request while retaining the original Aadhaar number
Age between 5 and 15 years at the time of enrolment – The resident should furnish all biometrics for updates when the resident attains age of 15 years.
Age >15 years at the time of enrolment – Residents are recommended to update their biometric data every 10 years.
Events like accidents or diseases leading to biometric exception
As the Aadhaar authentication service is becoming ubiquitous, residents may also approach for biometric updates because of authentication failures (called false rejects – where a correct resident with valid Aadhaar number may be incorrectly rejected) which may result from incorrect biometric capture or poor biometric quality captured at the time of enrolment. With improvements in technology, it may be possible to capture better quality biometrics in the CIDR.
UIDAI may verify the quality of biometric captured during enrolment/ update and decide a threshold. All the residents whose biometrics are below the decided threshold level may be notified by UIDAI to update of biometrics.
Aadhaar Details That Can Be Updated Are:
Demographic information Name, Address, Date of Birth/Age, Gender, Mobile Number, Email Address, Relationship Status and Information Sharing Consent.
Demographic information Name, Address, Date of Birth/Age, Gender, Mobile Number, Email Address, Relationship Status and Information Sharing Consent.
· Biometric information : Iris, Finger Prints and Facial Photograph
Modes Of Update
1. Via Online
The Self-Service online mode offers address update to the residents where the resident can directly place the update request on the portal. The Aadhaar number and registered mobile number of the resident are required to login to the portal. The resident is authenticated using OTP on his/her registered mobile number. To complete the update process, resident needs to upload the supporting POA documents, which will be verified against requested data at a later stage at UIDAI’s Update back-office by a Verifier. The resident needs to have mobile number registered with Aadhaar for using this service.
2. Via Post
Residents can update address by sending completed Aadhaar Address update request form and supporting documents by post. The update request will be processed at the back-end and receipt of update request will be sent through SMS to the residents by UIDAI. The update request can be sent to any of the following address:
UIDAI, Post Box No. 99, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad – 500034 India
3. By Visiting Permanent Enrolment Centre
These are modes where residents place the demographic/biometric update request with the help of an operator at an Permanent Enrolment Centre. In such a case, the documentary evidence is collected by the operator at the time of accepting the request. The document verification by the verifier also happens at the time of placing the Update request. UIDAI currently has envisaged three modes for Assisted Updates:
Check Aadhaar Status
Enrolment ID (EID)
The top of your acknowledgement slip contains 14 digit enrolment number (1234/12345/12345) and the 14 digit date and time (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss) of enrolment. These 28 digits together form your Enrolment ID (EID).
Enrol & Get Your Aadhaar
Update Aadhaar Details
Aadhaar Services
Aadhaar Self Service Update Portal
Welcome to Aadhaar Self Service Update Portal. UIDAI is committed to provide resident friendly eco-system and self-service update portal is one of the various touch points to update their Address in Aadhaar in 4 easy steps:
STEP 1: Login with Aadhaar,
STEP 2: Address Update Request
STEP 3: Upload Documents and
STEP 4: Select BPO Service Provider and submit request.
Note that Update here refers to any changes as well as corrections, if required, in resident´s original Aadhaar letter.
Who can use this portal?
Any resident with a registered mobile number can update address using this portal. Registered Mobile number is mandatory to receive password for login.
What all information can be updated through this portal?
Residents can update Address through this portal. For other updates, please visit Aadhaar Enrollment / Update Center. View detailed instructions on submitting Aadhaar Update/ Correction requests through this portal.
What are the documents required to be submitted along with address update request?
Residents are required to upload scanned image of original Proof of Address(PoA)/self signed (self attested) copy of PoA documents for update/ correction. View the valid list of documents.
Will resident information be updated immediately after submission of request?
Submission of information for update does not guarantee update of Aadhaar data. The information submitted is subject to verification and validation.
To submit your address update/ correction request please Proceed. |
Now, Link Mobile SIM With Aadhaar Card From Home Via IVR System
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has issued directives for generating OTP either through the service provider’s website or through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) services to facilitate the Aadhaar linking with mobile number.
Have you linked your Aadhaar number with mobile SIM? Now, many telecom operators are offering a toll-free service – 14546 – for re-verification of your Aadhaar number on your mobile phone through an IVRS or Interactive Voice Response System. Mobile phone users can dial 14546 to link their Aadhaar number with the mobile number through IVRS-based OTP (One-Time PIN) verification. The UIDAI or Unique Identification Authority of India – the issuer of the 12-digit Aadhaar number – has issued directives for generating OTP either through the service provider’s website or through the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) services to facilitate the Aadhaar linking with mobile phone number
How to link Aadhar Card to SBI Bank Account
The Indian government has taken an initiative to ensure that all individuals with an Aadhaar card must have them linked to their personal bank accounts. The subsidy schemes implemented in recent times require your Aadhar number to be linked to your bank account, as it makes it easier to directly transfer amounts to your account. If you own an SBI Bank account, you can link the Aadhaar with SBI bank account through SBI’s mobile app, SBI ATMs, internet banking, customer service points or by visiting the SBI branch.
How to Link Aadhar Card to Income Tax Department ?
Name, Date of Birth and Gender as per PAN will be validated against your Aadhaar Details.
Please ensure that “Aadhaar Number” and “Name as per AADHAAR” is exactly the same as printed on your Aadhaar card.
UIDAI Circular F. No. K-11022/631/2017-UIDAI with regard to discontinuation of partial match in Demographic Authentication wef 1-12-2017 by UIDAI. Click Here
Instruction for Online Update Request
1.You must have registered mobile number to update address in your Aadhaar using this update portal. Note: Registered mobile number is the number provided at the time of enrolment or updated subsequently.
2. If you have registered mobile number with Aadhaar, enter your Aadhaar Number to get an OTP (One Time Pin) at that mobile. If you have not registered your mobile with Aadhaar or you have lost/do not possess anymore, you will have to visit nearest Update Centre.
3. Enter OTP and Captcha to login to the Update Portal.
4. Select/Click the Address Update checkbox.
5. Fill the fields with the details to be updated in English as well as in Local Language.While correcting Address. Write complete address. The Aadhaar letter with updated address will be delivered at the given address only.
a. In case you face any issues with the Pin Code and related data (State/District/Village/Town/City/Post office), contact UIDAI contact centre at help@uidai.gov.in.
b. To include Guardian/ Parent/Spouse Name as part of the address, select the Address correction option. Then select appropriate box in C/o details and enter the name of the person in the subsequent field. C/o details can be updated as a part of Address update. It is not mandatory to provide C/O details while correcting you address in Aadhaar.
c. You are required to fill the complete address and upload supporting PoA even if you want to update/correct only C/o details. It is ok if C/o details are not mentioned in your PoA document.
6. Upload original scanned (with color scanner) copies of PoA document as per the Valid Documents List. Refer Link for valid documents.
7. Review the data entered for correctness and completeness in English as well as in local language.UIDAI will not make any corrections to the information in your request.
8. Submit the request. For future reference and tracking note down your Update Request Number (URN) carefully.
You can also download /Print your Acknowledgement copy.
Instruction for Update Request Via Post
By sending request through post mode you can update your address in Aadhaar. Following are the instructions for filling the Aadhaar Update Request in Registered Post Mode.
1.Download the Aadhaar Address Update/Correction Formfrom the link.
2.Fill the Update request form in capital letters and mention the Mobile number correctly.
3. Fill the form in English as well as Local Language.
4. Fill the form with your name and address to be updated. While correcting Address write complete address. The Aadhaar letter with updated address will be delivered at the given address only.
5. To include Guardian/ Parent/Spouse Name as part of the address, select the Address correction option. Then select appropriate box in C/o details and enter the name of the person in the subsequent field. C/o details can be updated as a part of Address update. It is not mandatory to provide C/O details while correcting you address in Aadhaar.
6. You are required to fill the complete address and submit supporting PoA even if you want to update/correct only C/o details. It is ok if C/o details are not mentioned in your PoA document.
7. You must be available at the given mobile number for any clarifications. Status of application will be intimated by sending an SMS on this mobile number.
8. You have to submit only the PoA document/s which is/are required to support the Change/ Correction.
9. Along with the Update/Correction form send PoA documents as per the Valid Documents List attached in Annexure I.
10. In case a child is below five years, parent/guardian can sign the copies of documents. In all other cases, the you must sign the copies of documents themselves.
11. Mention Aadhaar Number on all copies of documents. Mention Type of Document (PoA) on the copy of the document.
12. Mark the envelope as “Aadhaar Address Update/Correction” on top. Seal the envelope properly.
13. Send the Aadhaar Correction form along with the supporting documents to one of the addresses given in Annexure II.
Note : Submission of information for update does not guarantee update of Aadhaar data. The information submitted is subject to verification and validation. Furnishing of incorrect information/suppression of information would lead to rejection of application and would attract penal provisions under prevailing laws